Case Study: $18K Sale “Side Hustle”

In this post I’m going to break down a pretty powerful example of how your mindset can work as a barrier or a super highway to your own success & income. Right after that I’m going to break down an offer for you to get 93.1% off the most effective service we have ever used for our clients.

How To Grow A Lucrative “Side Hustle”

For most authors, including folks who work a job but still need to make ends meet or just want cool stuff, developing a “side hustle” is often required.

If you haven’t heard of one of these, a “side hustle” is simply something you do outside of your normal income gig/job to earn extra money.

For example: Lots of authors will sell services like formatting, graphic design, various editing services or even create “how to” courses and sell advice on topics like character development or plotting.

Sometimes, if you’re working a job, you’ll pick up extra small gigs helping others out using the skills you’re good at.

Our project manager, a very successful author who already earns a healthy 6 figures per year from her books, brings in extra money customizing cutting boards, wine glasses & tumblers with a laser printer she and her husband grabbed a few years ago.

My wife, even though she has a very well paid corporate career, still has a hustle setting up charcuterie/grazing boards for parties. She does it because it lets her earn some great extra income while also expressing herself creatively.

All that lead up to make the point: side hustles are pretty normal things these days.

But what happens when said “side hustle” becomes something much, much more?

In situations like that things can get really, really interesting.

And that’s exactly what we’ve been doing with our agency clients.

$18K Sale Side Hustle Case Study: Cynthia & Her Editing Business

I first met Cynthia when we re-opened our business development coaching/consulting program for single calls. She was one of the authors who checked out the video & then booked a time to chat.

Those initial calls always start by figuring out a few core basics: What is the person doing? How are their business/book sales going? What do they want to accomplish and how can we lay a strong path forward.

On the call it was obvious her books were doing fine and we could help boost her ads effectiveness. And all that was great but it wasn’t until she brought up her editing side hustle that my ears perked up.

For the past little while she had been able to work with a small handful of clients each month, helping them really overhaul their books and make them not just great but stunning.

And the money she was earning from helping people was fantastic. She was often able to pull in $7K – $10K/month from these!

There was just one problem: Because the work required so much attention to detail she wasn’t able to bring on any more! She was literally tapped out! She had no way to grow past where she was!

This is the moment everyone hopes for when they hire a business development coach. The moment when the “extra set of eyes with experience” you hired sees the potential hiding just out of site.

What we were able to discover was the HUGE mix between her prices, her services & the fact editing is such a massive in-demand industry.

Within the first 45 min of the call we had mapped out a plan that allowed her to reasonably increase her prices, offload 80% of the work, pay MORE than anything an editor would make anywhere else AND still offer the client top rated services at highly competitive prices.

By the next team call we had with her she had already brought on 3, high paying clients including one who was worth over $18K in business.

Within the first 5 min of that second call we showed her where another massive revenue stream was hiding. It had at first looked like one of those clients who wasn’t quite ready yet. Until we got her mindset shifted & she could see this was the perfect opportunity for thousands of dollars in developmental clients.

This is the power of working with a business coach who not only has experience in these things but also is able to modify those models for YOU & YOUR ideal outcomes.

At the end of the day Cynthia now has a “side hustle” that’s:

  • Already making high end sales (and now making them consistently)
  • Will continue to grow & prosper as she moves forward….
  • Reduces the time she has to “work” & frees her up to keep expanding…
  • Will potentially add multiple 6 figures to her income over the next 12-18 months

All this while keeping her working ON not IN her her side hustle. This means she has the freedom to continue to focus on what she loves to do most while the money keeps flowing in. (and growing)

And this is just case study #1. I’ll be following up with lots more 😉

See you in the next section!

Doing This ONE THING Can Save Years Of Struggle & Speed You Towards Success >>

Click for case study part 2 >>