3 Simple Steps To Becoming A (More) Profitable Author (Part 2)

Fast Recap: In part 1 we went over the reason why so many authors are struggling to scale their business. It’s not lack of information, lack of effort or even lack of advertising. It’s the volume of noise readers are dealing with (from other authors to their daily lives)

We went over the reason why so many authors are struggling to scale their business. It’s not lack of information, lack of effort or even lack of advertising. It’s the volume of noise readers are dealing with (from other authors to their daily lives)

The solution is then to run advertising differently using different tactics & techniques than almost anyone is currently using in the market.

In part 2, that’s what we will cover…

STEP 2: Now that you have installed the FB pixel on your site, what exactly do you put on that post?

Before I tell you exactly what to do let’s dig into the “why” this next step works like a champ.

In order for a new reader to whip out their wallet (or depress the Amazonian “One Click” purchase), what must they first believe?

Odd question?

Back in the day (circa 2007 – 2016) when there weren’t as many books in the market and Kindle was a relatively new idea, getting new readers was pretty easy. All you had to do was put an ad for the sort of book they were looking for in front of them.

A lot of them who clicked would then buy.

But not so much today.


Today the self publishing market has “matured”. What that means is the self publishing/direct to reader space is all grown up! It means the wild west era of tricks & gimmicks is long over and now everyone has to sing for their supper! (Just like every other matured market in the world)

Today every author who wants to bring in readers must do one thing and one thing only when somebody clicks:

Authors Must Demonstrate They Are EXACTLY What That Reader Is Looking For…

What a reader MUST believe in order to take that next step is that YOUR book will scratch their itch. That you are the author they have been waiting to read all their lives!

Readers read books for various reasons. Escape. Pleasure. To experience certain emotions…

What you then put on the page you’re sending traffic to is going to be a FULL short or even a legal excerpt of the book you want them to buy.

Killer Tip: Ideally you can break this into 2-3 parts and have them click to the next section when they reach the end. You can then retarget your offer to ONLY those who are most interested who read through page 2 or 3 and scrape off those who didn’t even make it through page 1.

When I share this technique with author folk the question which often follows is “if I’m doing something like this why would I not then build my list with a free lead magnet book like they teach in all the courses?”

There is a time and place for that technique, just not here and not yet. Lead gen (aka growing your newsletter) is a totally different animal. What we are talking about now is helping you build a vastly more profitable audience of buyers!

Frequent Question: Should you expect to break even on your 1st ad that drives people to this page where they can read your stuff before making the buying decision.

NO. Do not expect to become profitable just yet. There is another step.

While you should expect to make some sales/downloads, it’s not often the initial ad is the one that produces the revenue. (Most authors don’t know about this next part and that is why most authors fail at advertising)

Killer Tip: Keep track of how many people visit each page. You can use something like Bit.ly or PrettyLinks to track the number of clicks that go from page 1, 2, 3 and then click to your book offer on Amazon or another retail site.

Hope you are finding this helpful because in part 3 we will cover what comes AFTER the ad and where all the sales live!

Click Here To Get Started With Part 3>>